Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff is a contributor to On Magnolia Square.


  1. China Electricity Outages

    This article is about how and why the Chinese government shut down electricity in many regions as well as the impact it has on people’s lives.

  2. 上纽ICA新展开幕 | 林从欣和Patrick Staff“两性花、汗和经血云。”作品解读

  3. OCA: NYUSH Students Launch Campaigns for Fall 2020 Student Elections

  4. OCA & 围炉 | 侬好,童校长

    伴随着俞校长的退休,上纽迎来了新一届的领航人——童世骏校长。 这个消息,既出人意料,又在情理之中。在许多同学的印象里,童世骏就是那位国情课上的常驻讲师,然而他和上纽的缘分远远不止于此。很多人好奇:童校长是如何看待上海纽约大学学生的呢?作为一个有着深厚哲学背景的“海龟”,童校长将如何利用个人特色带领上纽走向2.0时代?在他心里,上纽在当今剧烈变动的社会环境下又扮演着什么样的角色? 在校长换届的消息宣布两个星期后,OCA与围炉的成员有幸与童世骏校长进行了一次面对面的深入对话,将同学们的疑惑一一解答。

  5. We Asked Black Members of the NYU Shanghai Community 5 Questions: Here’s What They Had To Say

    An NYU Shanghai professor and four students detail their experiences as Black individuals, their thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement, its future, and the right actions for allies to take.

  6. Who's Leading the Next Student Government

    OCA journalists Gurkriti Singh 20’, Josh Jensen 21’, Qianyu Zhu 23’ interviewed some of the candidates running for student government and the election organizer.

  7. 他们「应该」这么做吗?


  8. 离开世纪大道的82天,想Ta

    When coronavirus is spreading to the world, our life at home hasn’t been compromised. We are using warm daily stories as a way to respond to the outbreak and enrich our lives by our creativity and restless passion. To find out what students have gained through these days, we interviewed some Chinese students about their vigorous lives. We hope when the day of reunion at Centre Avenue 1555, we will find ourselves a better person due to these valuable moments and countless warmth.

  9. 面对疫情,选择Study Away的他们有怎样的故事?

    在疫情的影响之下,NYU Shanghai的部分同学选择到其他海外学习中心度过春季学期。促使他们决定申请Study Away的关键因素是什么?面对不断变化的疫情,在申请过程中又有什么样的故事与体悟?开始了当地的学习生活后,是否仍受疫情困扰?这次,我们采访了三位成功Study away的学生,让我们来听听TA们的故事!

  10. Letter from the Editor: NYU Shanghai Still Isn't For Normal People

    NYU Shanghai offers no consistency except for the constant changes.

  11. If You Want Something Done Right, Do It Yourself

    Anyone who chooses to run for Student Government and plans on dedicating hours of their time each week to serving our community deserves every other student’s respect. Lashing out at those who are committing to serve you and dedicate their time to fight on your behalf, whether or not you agree with them or had a bad experience with them in the past, is ignoring the problem at hand.

  12. NYU Shanghai and NYU Stern to Jointly Offer Graduate Degrees in Business

    Two Masters of Science programs are going to be jointly offered between NYU Shanghai and NYU Stern, enrolling the inaugural class in June 2019. “This new collaboration with NYU Stern fits right within NYU Shanghai’s philosophy of offering innovative graduate programs that are tailored to meet societal needs,” said NYU Shanghai Vice Chancellor Jeffrey Lehman.

  13. Sproutworks Chosen as Interim Canteen Vendor

    Sproutworks is taking over the NYU Shanghai canteen beginning May 2nd, NYU Shanghai Campus and Facilities announced on April 18 in a school-wide email. Sproutworks will be providing meal service for three months that will consist of their usual menu of healthy sandwiches and salads, as well as a Chinese menu created specifically for NYU Shanghai.

  14. Senior Spotlight: Ben Weilun Zhang

    “This global travel through NYU Shanghai was really a cumulative journey for knowledge, experience, culture, and language,” said senior Ben Zhang of his four years at NYU Shanghai. “I realized my dream and now I am just following this passion.”

  15. Controversy Surrounding Spring Formal

    Last week, Student Government announced the annual Spring Formal to happen on April 27th, eleven days before the event. Following the announcement, students expressed concerns via the NYUSH All Classes and Study Away Facebook page on the timing of the announcement and the increased price for an event that is supposed to be open to all students.

  16. Senior Spotlight: Lillian Korinek

  17. Senior Spotlight: Kilian Hauser

    “We academically shaped the school to a great degree being the second class. As the school and its program develops and evolves, every class after us will be building onto and refining what we had established” Hauser explained. “I appreciate NYU Shanghai for the experience, but I do wish I came at a later date for all of the different courses that are offered now.”

  18. Senior Spotlight: Anna Shevchenko

    “Kids who come here are more prepared, because we had to figure it out ourselves. It was a new university, not well-established,” Anna Shevchenko said in an interview with On Century Avenue. “We’re more scrappy, we’re using our resources to make the best of what we have. That’s a very valuable experience.”

  19. Senior Spotlight: Omer Cohen

    “It’s solid proof that if there’s anything you want to do, you can do. Anything you want to change, you can change," said Omer Cohen, a senior that graduated in December, despite having fought through the FOS curriculum.

  20. Senior Spotlight: Claire Jiaqi Song

    “NYU Shanghai taught me to embrace every opportunity and never be afraid of seizing it,” Claire Jiaqi Song said, reflecting on how her perception of NYU Shanghai has changed throughout her time here.

  21. Senior Spotlight: Shiyun Chen

    Senior Shiyun Chen discusses the "utopia" NYU Shanghai presented, how he's come to see the school, and his opinion on being a Chinese guy at NYU Shanghai.

  22. Senior Spotlight: Usama Ahmed

    Senior Usama Ahmed reflects on growing with the city of Shanghai throughout his past four years and his thoughts on the Career Development Center.

  23. Senior Spotlight: Madalyn Stover

    Senior Maddie Stover raves about her Chinese roommate experience and the great community at NYU Shanghai.

  24. Senior Spotlight: Angelina Ye

    Angelina Ye reflects on her time growing through learning at NYU Shanghai and her study abroad experience in Florence, Italy.

  25. Senior Spotlight: Nofar Hamrany

    Nofar Hamrany speaks to her love of Shanghai, advice on running clubs at NYU Shanghai and more.

  26. Students React to the CCP's Proposal to Abolish the Term Limit

  27. Senior Spotlight: Katie Chen

    “It’s quite exciting to be in a place without set rules. I don’t like being told what to do, and you can sort of find your way around things or make a difference here - except perhaps with the cafeteria,” says Katie Chen, the Class of 2018 Student Government Representative. “Part of the excitement is not knowing what lies ahead for the school 10 years down the road or if it will be the same as it is now.”

  28. Senior Spotlight: Jimmy Mac Hale

    Mac Hale emphasized that NYU Shanghai has given him wonderful opportunities. “Coming here has given me a chance to explore and connect directly with people from all over the world. I don’t want to pull the basic Appiah GPS stuff, but I feel NYU Shanghai has really made me a global citizen. Talking to people with different backgrounds and perspectives has made me learn what the world is and how much is out there, beyond the spotlight of the media of which I am familiar,” senior Jimmy Mac Hale emphasized in his interview with OCA.

  29. 对话凌昱恒:不疯魔·不成活

    This is the first installment of OCA's collaboration with the NYUSH section of 围炉. You can follow them on WeChat by scanning the QR code at the bottom of the article

  30. Non-NYU Students Come to NYU Shanghai

    “The campus life feels more to me like a high school than a college" - Three non-NYU study away students discuss how NYU Shanghai compares to their home universities.

  31. NYU Shanghai Responds to the Fire in Jinqiao

    “During a fire drill last semester I remember thinking ‘oh boy, I’m really high up’ because I'm on the 16th floor but this time I felt like I was 100 stories up. Now, I realize how dangerous it could have been since there is only one stairwell.” NYU Shanghai students and administration respond to the fire in Jinqiao Tower 2 last week.

  32. Senior Spotlight: Haider Ali

    “I’ve learned the most from the people who are different from me, from the conversations I had with the same people, who asked me questions for which I didn’t have an answer... It helps you see that there is much more to Pakistan, to China, to America." In the first installment of senior profiles, Haider Ali reflects on his time at NYU Shanghai.

  33. Fire in Jinqiao Tower 2

    Updating story: Tower 2 of the Jinqiao dorms caught fire on February 5, no one was injured.

  34. Despite FT Article, Future is Bright, According to Yu

    OCA Editor-in-chief Allison Chesky interviews Chancellor Yu and Vice Chancellor Lehman following a Financial Times article that reported new guidelines from the Chinese Communist Party.

  35. Ally Week Brings Sexual Assault to the Fore

  36. Response to Recent NYU Abu Dhabi Controversy

    OCA's Editor-in-Chief Allison Chesky clarifies the difference between academic freedom and NYU's policies of diversity and inclusion.

  37. Student Government Announces New SLR Ad Hoc Sub-Committees

    OCA digs into the reasoning behind the new Ad Hoc Sub-Committees.

  38. NYU Shanghai's First Graduate Program

    The first graduate program at NYU Shanghai, the Master’s of Social Work partnered with NYU Silver, is beginning its third year this fall.

  39. Increased Security Measures Implemented on NYU Abu Dhabi's Campus

    Carrying opaque plastic bags, especially on the weekend, is now considered “probable cause” for search: a rundown on campus policies and implementation. (Originally published on The Gazelle)

  40. Weekly Global Campus News

    News from NYU Abu Dhabi: the latest in OCA's ongoing collaboration with The Gazelle.

  41. Bromley and Taylor Take On NYU Shanghai

    Meet Student Body President James Bromley and Vice President Branden Taylor.

  42. 漂泊海外的日子里我们收获了什么


  43. Senior Superlatives: Class of 2017

    Find out who and what the Class of 2017 voted for at the 88 上海 Kick Off Ceremony!

  44. Letter from the Managing Board

    One year later, thank you NYU Shanghai for an amazing year for On Century Avenue.

  45. Senior Edition

  46. Some More Reasons Why Compatibilism isn't Silly

    Following NYU Shanghai's debate on free will, Abiral Chitrakar Phnuyal follows up on compatibilism versus incompatibilism.

  47. Weekly Global Campus News

    News from NYU Abu Dhabi: the latest in OCA's ongoing collaboration with The Gazelle.

  48. Xi Jinping’s State Visit with Donald Trump

    "Xi Jinping’s visit to the US ensures the main trend of cooperation between China and the US is still prevailing, but it cannot eliminate all the conflicts and contradictions caused by different interests."

  49. An Interview with Mariana Levy

    Alicja Jader interviews Argentine screenwriter Mariana Levy about her career and newest film, Lifeline.

  50. Students Attend Symposium at Duke Kunshan

    NYU Shanghai students attended a symposium at Duke Kunshan, where experts discussed the changing nature of Sino-U.S. relations.

  51. Black in Asia

    "Racism is a real problem in Asia, partly because Western media continues to shape negative opinions of colored people. It’s racist predispositions like these that make Asia almost impossible for “non-whites” to live in comfortably."

  52. Black History Month 2017

  53. Takeaways from Twenty Days

    "My generation will remember Jan. 20, 2017, and who we were with when we watched Donald Trump’s inauguration, along with who we were with when the votes were tallied on the evening of Nov. 8, 2016."

  54. NYU Shanghai Welcomes The Year of the Rooster

    OCA features how students at NYU Shanghai celebrated Chinese New Year 2017, and how traditions vary between provinces in China.

  55. What to Read for Black History Month

    What is Black History Month? OCAs Editorial Staff compiles a list of the best books you can read to learn more about Black history.

  56. Continuing the Conversation: Book Recommendations

    Sarabi N. Eventide gives book recommendations to continue the conversations started at Ally Week.

  57. Letter from the Managing Board

    A letter to the NYU Shanghai community from the Managing Board.

  58. I Am Happy

    At a time when several Americans around the world are disfraught about election results, Allison Chesky explains why she is happy to be at NYU Florence despite being away from home.

  59. A Week of Healthy and (Relatively) Cheap Breakfasts in One Hour

    For those running short on time for breakfast, Sarabi Eventide walks you through an easy breakfast menu.

  60. Mid-October Career Recommendations

    It's not too late to decide post graduation plans - CDC gives seniors late-October advice.

  61. Internship Experiences Across the Global Network

    NYU Shanghai students share their internship and work experiences across the NYU's Global Network.

  62. Reflections on Career Fairs at NYU Shanghai

    OCA's Editorial Staff covers NYU Shanghai perspectives on the Career Fairs and opportunities offered.

  63. Pocket Guide to Career Guidance Across the Global Network

    Learn more about the career centers and guidance available at each of NYU's global study away sites.

  64. Four Steps to Securing a Summer Banking Internship: From Application to the Offer

    Alex Mayes guides you through the step by step journey of securing a summer banking internship.

  65. On-Campus Recruitment (OCR) Launched at NYU Shanghai

    The Career Development Center (CDC) launched their OCR program this year, which brings six companies to campus every week for nine weeks.

  66. Tips on How To Make the Most Out of CDC

    Find out what are the most valuable resources you can find at NYU Shanghai's Career Development Center (CDC).

  67. Career Issue

  68. The Real Stanford Prison Experiment

    The VOCA team interviews a former guard in the Stanford Prison Experiment to discover his perspective about what happened that summer in 1971.

  69. Home Un-Sweet Home: The Truth About Homestay

    Sarabi Eventide reports on NYU Shanghai's new homestay program and its progress so far.

  70. A First Look at NYU Florence

    Allison Chesky shares her impression of NYU Florence after the first few weeks.

  71. Two Days in Rome

    Want to visit Rome, but are short on time? Allison Chesky walks you through the sights you do not want to miss.

  72. Orientation Issue 2016

  73. Freshman Fears and Questions

    OCA responds to questions, fears, and concerns about NYU Shanghai asked by the new Class of 2020.

  74. NYU Shanghai's Top Ten

    Find out what NYU Shanghai loves on campus and around the city!

  75. Quiz: Are You Ready to Attend NYU Shanghai?

    How ready are you for NYU Shanghai?

  76. Every little thing you Usually do not know About Costless Title Page Maker Online: APA, MLA, Chicago and ASA Composition Could be Costing to Quite a bit greater than You believe that

  77. Student Government: Summer Updates

    OCA gets the scoop on what the newly elected NYU Shanghai Student Government has been working on over the summer and their goals for the next academic year.

  78. Fourth Orientation Session Flourishes at NYU Shanghai

    NYU Shanghai is preparing for its fourth Orientation session, which has been given the theme "Flourish" to celebrate the school's completion with four full classes.

  79. Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr: As Experienced by NYU Shanghai

    OCA explores how students at NYU Shanghai experience Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr differently based on local culture and traditions.

  80. Urban Farm and BikeShare come to NYU Shanghai

    NYU Shanghai's Green Shanghai club sets out to transform the campus with an Urban Farm and BikeShare program.

  81. Fully-Covered in France

    "Unfortunately, I don't feel entirely safe in Paris"

  82. Student Government and Students Speak Out

    In response to a "Facebook explosion," Student Government hosted a Forum on communication for the student body. Allison Chesky explains both sides of the story and what changes will be coming to Student Government.

  83. Frenemies: Republicans and the Constitution

    As the Republican Party clings to the words of the Constitution, they hold onto the wrong ideas. Ana Cicenia discusses the relationship between the Republican Party and the Constitution.

  84. Internship for Credit: What You Need to Know

    A part-time internship is a huge undertaking, but so far, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

  85. One in Five

  86. GAF Program "Phased Out"

    The Academic Resource Center (ARC) plans on shifting their academic support plan from a GAF-focused model to a peer tutoring program, initially coordinated by GAFs.

  87. Bleeding Is Normal, But Are the Consequences?

    Until society prioritizes taking care of one's health over money or bigoted ideology, companies that want to provide menstrual leave should lump it into general sick leave, which can be increased for everyone.

  88. (Not So) Great Pontificate

    I just want to call for moderation in accolades granted to a pontificate that, in my opinion, has not yet shown any sign of real greatness.

  89. Paris: The Lackluster City of Lights

    I chose to study in Paris in order to I could practice my French. Now I'm learning language practice is not a good enough reason to choose a location.

  90. #CELEBRATEWOMEN: Gallery

  91. Brunch on Yong Kang (永康)

    Hungry Lung’s Kitchen is located at 144 Yong Kang Lu basically at the end of the street and opens at 11:00 am

  92. Inciting Conversation: The NYU Shanghai Dialogue

    NYU Shanghai Dialogue is a new program featuring guest speakers at NYU Shanghai. The intention behind these events is to incite a conversation between the presenter and the audience. There is always room for talk as the listeners are seated in a semi-circle and the atmosphere encourages intellectual exchange.

  93. NYU Shanghai Screens North Korean Film, Students Raise 16,600 RMB

  94. "One, Two, 三,四": SPSM's Open Mic Night

    On Thursday night, SPSM held an open mic night for students, with eight staged performances and then free time to perform, sing, and play.

  95. Fall of the Embargo: The Future of Cuba

    With all the excitement over new opportunities , I emphasize the need for caution and vigilance in the opening up the island.

  96. Appiah, Lehman, and Smith: “Fundamental Misunderstandings” of Academic Freedom

    Professor Appiah’s visa debacle, Congressman Smith’s congressional hearings, Chinese educational directives, and NYU Shanghai’s confidential agreement.

  97. European Privacy Laws vs. US Tech Giants

    ‘Europe v Facebook’, was brought by Austrian citizen and privacy activist, Max Schrems, who argued that his privacy was being violated when Facebook was found to be cooperating with the NSA’s Prism program.

  98. Restaurant Review: Seesaw Cafe

    An ideal place to satiate your good-quality coffee yearnings

  99. PODCAST: NYU Florence

  100. Chase McMillan: June 28, 1996 - January 31, 2016

  101. Tampon Tax: Sexist Policy or Feminist Droll

    Imagine my surprise at realizing that my own government was placing a “luxury” tax on my monthly cycle, as if me bleeding for a week each month came with cucumbers on the eyes and hot stone massage.

  102. Study Away: Different Perspectives

    Peek into the minds of a few students who are just starting their spring semester at sites all across the Global Network University, as they share their thoughts and feelings at the beginning of this semester.

  103. CH2: Comfort Food Revamped

    Do finals have you craving comfort food? If you're in desperate need of some classic Mac n Cheese, head over to CH2.

  104. Podcast: Diversity

  105. Nobel Prize Laureate Professor Robert Engle Visits NYU Shanghai

  106. 2015 Thanksgiving Guide in 上海

    The great American holiday about food, football, and of course, family, is upon us and like all holidays, Shanghai has a lot to offer. Here is a curated list to get your turkey fix and fight off your homesickness.

  107. Disney Re-Discovers Lost Movie

  108. The Forum: SLR Wants to Hear Your Voice

    Tomorrow, on Nov. 17, Student Government will be holding their first forum on Residence Life at the Jinqiao Residential Complex.

  109. Stoners Without Borders

  110. Where are the Men? In the HeForShe Movement

  111. How To Hibernate for Winter

  112. Taboos and Norms: A Podcast

    Halloween Costumes, gender divides, and taboos — NYU Shanghai sits down to discuss these subjects. Featuring NYU Shanghai sophomores Richard Awuku-Aboagye, Ana Cicenia, Allison Chesky, Lillian Korinek, Ben Weilun Zhang, Cheryl Li, and Lana Kugli.

  113. Polish Parliamentary Elections: Reshuffling in the Political Arena

  114. [Dress] Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

  115. Harry Potter Juggling the Roles of Husband and a Father in a J.K. Rowling Sequel

  116. Who's Your Pumpkin?

  117. Vertical Run for Charity Supported by NYU Shanghai Student Volunteers

  118. Indian Writers Are Protesting...Something?

  119. 1921 Gucci

  120. Damsel in Distress No More

  121. The Lone Traveler

  122. Another Side of the Bund

  123. The Silver Lining of Global Warming

  124. China in America's Backyard

  125. CDC Introduces Career Bootcamp

  126. Academics at NYUNY

  127. The New Powers of Observation

  128. Three Lessons from the Anxious, the Potential Transfer, and the Anonymous

  129. Poetry Across Screens (and Cultures)

  130. A Study Away Perspective on the Jin Qiao Dorms

  131. Vegan in Shanghai

  132. Hacktivist or Home-Wrecker

  133. A Tale of Two Cities: Havana and Beijing

  134. Art(ist) Beautiful

  135. A Fresh Perspective

  136. Conflicting Decisions

  137. Restaurant Week- Shook!

  138. GOP's Attack

  139. Save Room for Restaurant Week

  140. The Top 40 建议 (jian yi) For Surviving Freshman Year

  141. Bidding Farewell

  142. Blood and Bridal Gowns: The Fate of Women's Rights in China

  143. Shakespeare and Cesaire Come to Shanghai: A Review of The Tempests

  144. Crisis and Aid: Reflections on Nepal

  145. Benefit of the Doubt,  Reluctantly Given

  146. Katy Perry in Shanghai: Growth of Western Music Out East

  147. Stuck in the Middle (East)

  148. Jim and Deb Fallows: Insights on Journalism, Politics, China, and Love

  149. Viva La Violet!

  150. Duke-Kunshan Game

  151. Shanghai Rocks the Mic: Jay Electronica

  152. Welcome to the New Student Government

  153. The Issue of Smog | 中国的雾霾问题

  154. Professor by Day, Stand-Up Comedian by Night?

  155. This is Our Wall, Akwaaba

  156. Je ne suis pas Avijit Roy

  157. "White Supremacy is Universal"

  158. "Harm is harm, hello"

  159. Central Problems in Education

  160. Beginning at Opposite Ends

  161. The Alien and the Madman

  162. Servicing Shanghai and China's Capital

  163. Making The World Our Major: An Overview of the DSS Program

  164. The World's Best Kept Secret

  165. "There is No Glass Ceiling for Women"

  166. Beginning to Bid Farewell

  167. The Trouble With Returning

  168. Best of Shanghai 2014

  169. In Conversation with the Founder of 'Yo'

  170. NYU Colors Shine at the Amethyst Ball

  171. The Significant Insignificant: NYU's Divest

  172. Happening This Week: Stuff to do the Week of November 24th

  173. Sila: Coming to a Campus Near You

  174. The Globalization of Christmas

  175. Spirituality, Feminism, and Islam

  176. The Deficiencies of NYUSH Economics

  177. Global Perspectives on Writing

  178. Live Healthy: Week Updates from Health and Wellness

  179. Mark Your Calendars! Week of Nov. 17

  180. Jane Goodall Inspires NYU Shanghai

  181. Multilingual Catcalling in Morocco's Medina

  182. 25 Years Later: A Changing Perception of Germany

  183. Happening This Week

  184. Happening This Week

  185. Beyond the 'A' Cup

  186. Turkey Travel

  187. A Tale of Two Suppers

  188. Halloween: New York's Alter Ego

  189. NYU Entrepreneurs Bring TEDx To Town

  190. Steve Schwarzman Discusses Schwarzman Scholars with NYU Shanghai Students

  191. Biking Destinations: Around Pudong

  192. (De)Politicizing Pollution

  193. Being a Freshman at NYUSH

  194. Happening This Week

  195. Weekly Updates from the Career Development Center

  196. Transnational Economic Alliances: A Brief Contemporary History

  197. Happening This Week

  198. The Dent in My Identity

  199. Student Government Election Results

  200. Student Government’s State of the Union

  201. The Censorship Dilemma

  202. Letter from the Global Desk

  203. Beating Homesickness in Shanghai

  204. From the President's Desk: A Conversation with John Sexton

  205. We, the Millennials, Want to Be Happy

  206. Sovereignty and Humanization: A Brief Historical Overview

  207. I Speak English, Too

  208. Letter to the Pakistani Moderates