Senior Superlatives: Class of 2017

Find out who and what the Class of 2017 voted for at the 88 上海 Kick Off Ceremony!

Based on your votes from the 88 上海 Kick Off Ceremony*, here are the Class of 2017’s top choices:Most likely to fall asleep in class: Kevin Pham Tyler Rhorick Most likely to pull an all-nighter in the AB: Alhan Fakhr Kevin Pham Musa Malik Nicholas Sanchez Most likely to become a reality TV star: Ivan Marks Kevin Pham Most likely to become a politician: Roxanne Roman Alex Mayes Musa Malik Usama Shahid Fikret Halilov Perfect Couple: Alex Brickhaus & Louise Draper Shawn Sun & Nicole Lu Max Reiff & Julie Hauge Anna Schmidt & Amanda Zhao Most likely to be seen at Starbucks: Maggie Walsh Kylee Borger Hannah Johnstone Most likely to be on catfish: Jarred KubasMost likely to help with homework: Casillas SunJacob Rast Leon Zhu Most likely to be at Perry’s on a Tuesday night: Luke Roesler Carson Nemelka Ian SoderRewant Prakash Veronica Hernandez Best course at NYU Shanghai: GPS Best place to catch lunch near school: SubwayHalal Eat JoyNot the cafeteria Best study space: Library 6th Floor Best spot to nap: 6th floor lounge B18In class Library Stacks Noodles vs. Skewers: Skewers (63.6%), Noodles (36.4%)Family Mart vs. 7-Eleven: Family Mart (94.5%), 7 Eleven (5.5%)AB vs. Geo: AB (50%), Geo (50%) Subway or Bus: Subway (81.5%), Bus (18.5%) Mobike or Ofo: Mobike (85.7%), Ofo (14.3%) or Meituan: (96.2%), Meituan (3.8%)Cocos or Happy Lemon: Cocos (77.8%), Happy Lemon (22.2%) International Students Dorm #2 or Motel 268: Int’l Student Dorm (67.3%), Motel 268 (32.7%)Baijiu or Baijiu: Baijiu (50%), Baijiu (50%) *Survey credits to the NYU Shanghai Class of 2017 Commencement Committee. This article was written by the On Century Avenue Editorial Staff. Please send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Lisa Barry