Live Healthy: Week Updates from Health and Wellness

Two weeks ago, Health and Wellness concluded one of their biggest campaigns of the year: combating the flu at NYU Shanghai. Health and Wellness held a ‘Lunch and Learn’ on the topic of hygiene with Dr. Chedrauy and gave out flu prevention kits, which included hand sanitizer and vitamin C tablets - all of which promoted the prevention of the virus. The peak of the campaign was the flu vaccine, which Health and Wellness offered free of charge (along with a free lollipop) to all students and faculty. Health and Wellness also held a ‘Lunch and Learn’ on positive psychology, where students identified their top five strengths with the help of on-site counsellor Sarah Jane Mumma. Health & Wellness also began a new program involving the training of GAFs and coaches in CPR. H&W hopes to be able to offer this program to students in the future, and is currently trialling its effectiveness. General health tips from Health and Wellness:

Sneeze/cough into elbow and not into your hands;

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, cleaning between fingers and under nails;

Get enough sleep and exercise to strengthen your immune system, and;

Eat a balanced diet!

This article was written by Editorial Staff. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: