Letter from the Global Desk

global poster edited

As the public relations offices draft, redraft and rebrand the NYU Global Network University, students are already shaping the reality of global interchange. From BiFengTang (避风塘) in Shanghai's Pudong district to Tarbouche al-Basha in downtown Abu Dhabi to Mahmoun’s Falafel off Washington Square Park, we are tracing an NYU-violet circuit around the world. It winds around Iguazú Falls at the intersection of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, crosses Charles Bridge on the way to NYU’s Prague campus and comes down to King’s Cross station in London, where we wait for a kind NYU soul to host us for the night. Or, without racking up any miles, we study comparative Middle Eastern literature in New York, relive Andy Warhol’s 1980s Manhattan in Abu Dhabi or enroll in a cross-portal class on the effect of fast-urbanization on the world’s former and current metropolises: Detroit and Shanghai. The Gazelle, Washington Square News (WSN) and On Century Avenue (OCA) believe that these stories shape what NYU’s Global Network means for us; from NYU students and for NYU students around the world. The Global Desk is a new collaboration between The Gazelle, WSN and OCA to seek out these voices and create greater mobility between all of NYU’s campuses. The production process, in which stories are edited and published between Abu Dhabi, New York and Shanghai, is our endeavor for borderless coverage. Search “global” in any of the newspapers for our stories. We want to hear from NYU students wherever they are, and take a stab at what it means to be global citizens. This article was written by Joey Bui and Mercy Angela Nantongo. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Megan Eloise