Green Shanghai's Fall 2024 Trash Fashion Show
On Friday, November 22, students gathered to celebrate a night of fashion and sustainability at Green Shanghai's Second Trash Fashion Show.
Jenna Sun
Everything and anything happening.
On Friday, November 22, students gathered to celebrate a night of fashion and sustainability at Green Shanghai's Second Trash Fashion Show.
Jenna Sun
Mid-September’s tropical storm hit Shanghai at unprecedented levels, resulting in rooms flooding in Jingyao Residential Hall, infrastructure being damaged, and students needing deliveries, but the assistance of several RAs provided relief to many.
Annabelle Mecca
NYU Shanghai is offering 14 new courses in the Spring 2025 semester
Keigan Carpenter
Chǎnglè lù (长乐路), home to iconic bars such as 624 and Gōnglù shāngdiàn (公路商店), is closing, marking the end of an era for Shanghai’s youth culture.
Sam Kominowski
NYU Votes is streamlining U.S. voting for the American community at NYU Shanghai abroad with a simple 3-step guide and events to ensure your vote counts on November 5th.
Santiago Solano, Deziree Joy Harmon
In a groundbreaking display of sustainable creativity, Green Shanghai hosted the Qiantan Campus Trash Fashion Show on Nov 17, 2023, captivating attendees with the designs crafted from recycled materials.
Natalya Charlemagne
Annabelle Mecca
Presenters from a variety of backgrounds and diverse interests gathered for the Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium, hosted by Academic Affairs, to showcase their research projects and disseminate their findings.
Alexandra Kogler
Natalya Charlemagne
The tennis games of the Qilin Cup were held, with ECNU winning the championship. Players from the 4 schools all have a lot to say about this event!
Jingyi Ma
Table tennis players, let’s GO QILINS!
Jingyi Ma
NYU Shanghai’s first ever Involvement Fair at the Qiantan campus
Susan Wang
Students and some faculty stood together in support of Chinese language teachers against the claimed unfair and unequal treatment given to them by the university
Keigan Carpenter
The Yaohua Residence Hall adopts a new package system
Keigan Carpenter
In order to expedite the completion of the new Qiantan Campus, NYU Shanghai will revert to online teaching until February 17th
Keigan Carpenter
Today NYU Shanghai students took their first day of spring classes at the newly opened Qiantan Campus
Keigan Carpenter
On Friday, November 18th, NYU Shanghai held a screening for the award-winning documentary “Ascension” and a discussion with the film’s Co-Producer Maggie Li
Keigan Carpenter
ICA's Fall 2022 exhibition Close Your Eyes and You Will Know by Yin-Ju Chen and Li Chun Lin opened to the NYU Shanghai Community on Thursday, October 13th.
Keigan Carpenter, Talitha Lewis
Fikret Halilov