Rae Dehal

Rae Dehal

Rae Dehal is a contributor to On Magnolia Square.


  1. This Spot: A Love Letter to the City

    Rae Dehal writes a love letter to Shanghai.

  2. Flourless Chocolate Fudge Cake

    Get yourself through the last month of school with another one of Rae's delicious desserts.

  3. Victoria's Secret: Bra Shopping in China

    To solve her bra-shopping difficulties, Rae Dehal takes a trip to Shanghai's new Victoria's Secret store.

  4. Five Hot Cocktails for Cold Nights

    On days when the cold weather gets you down, just try one of Rae Dehal's perfect drink recipes.

  5. How To: China's Skincare Industry

    "In the middle of what looked like a complex web of indescribable Chinese was a single English word: whitening."

  6. An Open Letter to Hindus For Trump

    "Dear Hindus for Trump, Muslims are not our enemies. Pakistanis are not our enemies. The white supremacy is our enemy. "

  7. How to De-Stress Through Yoga

    Feeling the post-midterm anxiety? Rae Dehal is here to help.

  8. 2016 Halloween Roundup

    Get OCA's recommendations on the best places to celebrate Halloween this year.

  9. You are Entitled to Nothing

    "Americans, Canadians, Europeans, we’re all so used to showing up to places and being welcomed with basically open arms and a red carpet; when we’re not, we act like it’s some kind of grave injustice."

  10. Nimisha Bhanot: No Time For That Patriarchy

    Rae Dehal interviews artist Nimisha Bhanot, popular for her Indian pinup girl painting series confronting traditional South Asian attitudes and expectations.

  11. How To: Chinese Nutritional Labels

    It can be hard to eat healthy when you can't even read the Chinese label, but Rae Dehal has some advice to get you through.

  12. Alex Guo: Girls Who Lift

    OCA sits down for a chat with Alex Guo, who is breaking stereotypes and building confidence in the gym.

  13. The Ultimate Healthy Brownie

    A heart-healthy, dorm-kitchen-friendly brownie recipe? Rae Dehal shares the ultimate brownie recipe with City Lights.

  14. A Glimpse of NYU Florence: Video

    Rae Dehal explores Florence and the experience of studying abroad there. Photo Credits: NYU Global Programs

  15. NYU Shanghai's CDC Hosts Grad School Blast

    As the first senior class faces the future, NYU Shanghai's CDC hosts a forum to discuss graduate school options.

  16. Bowl'd Over

    It's both healthy and delicious: City Lights co-editor Rae Dehal reviews one of Shanghai's best up-and-coming cafes.

  17. Starting Interfaith Dialogue at NYU Shanghai

  18. Is English Killing Global Creativity?

  19. Fifty Shades of Grey

  20. What To Expect: Ally Week in NYU Shanghai

  21. You Will Never Be One of Us

  22. LSY: Representating Shanghai at the SSC

  23. An Introduction to the Global Affairs Committee

  24. How Do We Remember?

  25. Why Giving Up on a Global Climate Change Treaty Is A Good Idea

  26. Horror, Gore, Lights and More

  27. One Year Later with NYU

  28. What’s Black and Orange and Going to Harvard?