LSY: Representating Shanghai at the SSC
Last year saw the election of NYU Shanghai’s first ever student Senator, Li Siyao. OCA recently got a chance to sit down with him and ask him a few questions about his exciting position, the going ons of the Student Senators Council (SSC), and the role it plays in student government both across the GNU and in our own community. Briefly explain to us what the Senator’s Council at NYUSH is: Why was it created, what is its structure, how is it run, and what are its main aims?Li Siyao: The Governance structure of NYU is: Trustee Board and the University Senate. The University Senate, chaired by the President, consists of the Student Senators Council, the Faculty Senators Council (tenured and untenured), the Administrators Management Council and the Deans Council. Student Senators Council has 35 seats on the University Senate, with representatives from each School and various special groups. The Student Senators Council represents student interests on that body. What is your role as a Senator? Why did you run for this position?Li: My fundamental role is to represent our school in Student Senators Council. I ran for this because I realized the necessity of the student representation of our campus on an NYU level. Besides, I have had fantastic experience and made awesome friends in Student Government last year, I really want to get involved again. What are the benefits and difficulties of being the first ever Senator of a portal campus of NYU? How do you think NYU Shanghai/Abu Dhabi are “perceived” at your meetings? Are you treated any different from the other members of the SSC? Are there any differences between being a senator of Abu Dhabi versus being a senator of Shanghai?Li: One thing I found very tricky of being a representative for a school outside of NY is that most matters brought to the Senate are very NY based. Also, I realize due to the certain level of autonomy of our school, we are not as tightly connected to NY. I recently found out that there are a considerable number of our students who don’t think NYU Shanghai is just another school of NYU, like CAS, Stern or Silver. Currently, SSC is treating AD and Shanghai the same way as it does to CAS and other schools. This situation does not correctly reflect the fact that our special identity in the GNU. I want to change this. I will start some listening sessions for our fellow students and do some research about how our teachers and professors are represented in their respective Councils and write a investigation report about how students in Shanghai want to be represented in SSC and a proposal for a systematic change in the SSC structure. I don’t see there’s difference between the Senator position in AD and Shanghai, not yet. I see the possibility of many cooperation opportunities due to the similar position of Shanghai and AD in the GNU. As the Senator of NYU Shanghai, you are the sole representative of NYUSH in the New York Student Government. Does this position come with any pressures from the local Government at Shanghai or from the administration in terms of representation, what you can/cannot discuss, etc?Li: Not yet. How does the SSC function across the GNU? Do you have regular contact with the Senator’s in New York and Abu Dhabi? Does the SSC play a role in fostering greater connectivity between the portal campuses? Do you think this is important? There is a Global Student Council in SSC, of which Kenny Song is one of the three Global Vice President from NY, AD, and SH respectively. This Council holds GNU events such as Global Day of Service and GNU Story. This Council has been only functioning for one year. We are looking forward to its growth. I have regular meetings with the Senator in New York. Since we will start reviewing the way that Shanghai and Abu Dhabi are represented in SSC, I will start having meeting with the Senator from AD and work closely later this semester. What was discussed at the Student Government Summit? What conclusions were reached?Li: The biggest thing we reached, from my opinion, is the consensus of the necessity of a change in the way Shanghai and AD are represented in SSC. Besides, we set up goals of holding more cross campus events. For example, I am currently working with the new HackShanghai team to throw a Global Hackathon across the three campuses. We also learned some really good experience and found more we can do as a Student Government. Something is still in planning, I’m sure our President and Secretary will let everybody know once it’s settled. How has the Senator’s Council affected life here at NYU Shanghai? What are the main projects the Council is currently overseeing?Li: I spent the first several weeks after I got elected looking for the possible and feasible opportunities of cross campus co operations, events wise and club wise. The most important project in my mind is that SSC is seeking more seats on the University Senate, which means students will have more representation and deciding power in the governance of NYU. The growing number of GNU related matters is a major reason for the increased seats proposed. What are some of the challenges, if any, that the SSC has faced at NYUSH? How have you worked to overcome them?Li: I spent several weeks figuring out the importance of SSC in our school and how are they related. SSC is the official representative of we students in NYU, regardless the locations. SSC deals with more macro matters, such as defending the importance of GNU against those faculties who doubt its necessity and so on. However, since we have our own Student Government which reviews the club budget and deal with our cafeteria problem, we don’t usually feel the existence of SSC. I have let SSC Chair and Vice Chair Skype in during our General Assembly last semester. Also, I will hold listening sessions and let more students know about SSC and its importance. What role do you think the Senator’s Council will play in the future here at NYUSH?Li: Next year, the Senator will be a student from NYU Shanghai who spends a whole year in New York. This rule will last until it is audited again in Constitution in the future. We expect this student to help our school have a more stable and active representation in both the SSC and the University Senate, based on his/her knowledge of NYU Shanghai after 2 years. As you’re already aware, next year the Sophomores students, including yourself, will be studying abroad. My question has two parts. First, what advice do you have for the freshmen who want to be your successors?Li: As mentioned above, the next Senator will be a student who will spend in NY for one whole year. Though we are still thinking of a way to ensure his/her place in NY for two semesters, the next Senator will probably also be from the Class of 2017. My advice for the next Senator is that SSC was established in the last century, there are so many sectors which have the potential to collaborate with our Student Government here. Find them and make the collaboration happen. I personally think it’s a key component of the GNU concept. Also, she/he should continue to test and think about how our school can be best represented in SSC and NYU. Second, NYU’s student population is very fluid. What are your views on staying involved in Student Government or other aspects of student life when studying abroad? How will these vary as students at different campuses have different study abroad requirements? Will you personally be involved in the Government when you study abroad next semester/year?Li: There are various ways of getting involved. One alternative is the Site Ambassador program organized by Global Student Council. The Ambassador is a representative of the study away students group in a certain site. We are also thinking of logistics of founding clubs in various sites during the Student Government Meeting in Abu Dhabi. During the meeting, we also discussed about how can a study away student meet people with the same interest before she/he even gets there. As for the second question, I personally don’t know the answer. Maybe Kenny can be the better person to ask? I really want to keep getting involved in student life, maybe not Student Government. I personally think getting involved in student affairs is a great way to meet and befriend with awesome people. Finally, tell us an interesting fact about yourself that you think a lot of people don’t know.Li: I am really not that desperate for a girlfriend. (wink) This article was written by Rae Dehal. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Ng Meizhi