Benjamin Haller

Benjamin Haller

Benjamin Haller is a contributor to On Magnolia Square.


  1. Letter from the Editor

  2. No Good Choices

    A month away from a snap election on June 8th, Britain's political options are far from balanced.

  3. Sanctuary Cities: Refuge in Uncertain Times

    Across the United States, sanctuary cities are standing up to threats of deportation.

  4. Charlie's: Delicious, Fast, Casual Burgers

    Ben Haller brings you a taste of Charlie's, an affordable burger option in Puxi.

  5. U.C. Berkley & NYU: Lessons in How Not to Protest

    "An effective protest draws attention to the actual issue at hand, not the protest itself."

  6. Doubting Democracy

    Many are surprised to learn that China has democratic elections--but are they truly democratic? Ben Haller explains how they compare with a Western system.

  7. A Time for Introspection

    "As much as I despise almost everything Trump stands for, I wish him all the best. To wish him failure, before he even takes office and enacts his agenda, would be to wish for the failure of the country."

  8. Clean Up Your S**t

    Ben Haller discusses the problem of leaving public spaces at NYU Shanghai messy.

  9. China’s One Child Policy: One Year Later

    Ben Haller discusses why China's reversal of the one-child policy came too late to fix the country's current demographic problem, and what can be done otherwise.

  10. Organizing the Organizations

    What do students think of the new club system at NYU Shanghai, and does it actually accomplish its goals?

  11. Ending the Cycle

    Anyone who says that racial bias and discrimination isn’t still a major problem in the United States needs to take a hard look at the facts.

  12. Standing Up For Democracy: Elections in Hong Kong

    Beijing battles with pro-democracy political forces in Hong Kong. Ben Haller shares his analysis of the situation.

  13. Opting Out

    Ben Haller responds to NYU Shanghai Professor Clay Shirky and makes a case for third-party voting.

  14. War is Imminent?

    Headlines may claim that war with China is unavoidable, but should we really be worried?

  15. The Greatest Show on Earth: Super Tuesday

    On one of the most important days in US Elections, "Super Tuesday," Ben Haller explains what to expect.

  16. Safe Spaces: Political Correctness on College Campuses

    Safe spaces are not the answer to issues that are a direct result of lack of dialogue. They will only insulate people further from dealing with the ignorance that needs to be addressed openly.