Till It Happens to You

In contrast to her usual music videos which brim with vibrant colors, outrageous costumes, and over the top set pieces, Lady Gaga’s new video for the song"Till it Happens to You" presents the viewer with a serious illustration of the pattern of sexual assault that occurs on college campuses across the United States. The central message of Gaga’s new release is apparent in the song’s own title: it is impossible to understand the degree of the pain, suffering, confusion, or guilt that is experienced by victims of rape and sexual assault “Till it Happens to You.”Sexual assault is alarmingly present in colleges around the world and particularly within the United States. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center,one in fivefemale students andone in sixteenmale students will be victims of sexual assault during their college years. From 2001 to 2011, reported instances of sexual assault on campusesgrew by 50 percent.While a portion of this increase can be attributed to the improvement in reported sexual assault cases, the extent to which the assaults have risen nonetheless reflects a serious and prevalent rape and sexual assault culture on American university campuses.The trauma of sexual assault experienced by its victims far too often extends past the assault itself. Victims repeatedly lack proper resources to seek help in dealing with their assault, or are even labeled as “liars” or “attention seekers” when attempting to come forward with their stories. This past year, rape victim Emma Sulkowicz of Columbia University in New Yorkcarried her mattress with her on campusin order to illustrate the weight that rape victims must carry when their stories are largely ignored by universities and law enforcement. Often times perpetrators of sexual assault receive relatively minor punishments, such assuspensions or academic probations, if any. At the same time, victims of rape and sexual assault are subjected to shame from their surrounding community. Nearly half of all victims of reported sexual assault nearly withheld their story simply because theydid not want anyone to know.It is undeniable that rape and sexual assault are serious problems in the world today as more and more statistics arise, especially on college campuses. NYU’s mandatory sexual violence awareness course is an important first step, but it cannot be relied on as the singular solution for preventing sexual assault cases on university campuses. We need to acknowledge that its mishandling and shaming are also significant causes of concern and demand immediate change.

As many advocates for change have vocalized, sexual assault should not be a part of the college experience. The shame and mistrust following a rape or sexual assault are inexcusable as well. While we strive to reduce the instances of rape and sexual assault, we cannot ignore the responsibility to support those who are its victims in the meantime.NYU Shanghai is a small community with numerous resources. If you or someone you know is dealing with the trauma of a sexual assault, reach out to your peers, your teachers, or Health and Wellness. You are not alone. This article was written by Lizzy Leclaire. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Konrad Krawczyk