Housing in the City of Lillies

This is the first article in a series covering the different types of housing at the various study away sites in the Global Network. At NYU Florence, students have a choice of three different types of living situations. They can choose to live on campus, in an off-campus setting, or in a homestay. However, since there are a significant amount of freshmen students who spend their first year abroad at NYU Florence they typically take up all of the on-campus housing. The most popular option among upperclassmen is the off-campus apartment. While there is a commute to campus (some students having a thirty minute walk to a bus, then a twenty minute bus ride, if the bus comes on time), all the apartments are in the city center of Florence and offer amazing perks in terms of location. Amenities vary greatly between apartments, but all have Wi-Fi and a kitchen. An apartment holds anywhere from 5 to 23 students. The majority of students do not get private bathrooms in off campus apartments and singles are limited. While the off campus apartments typically have the charm that comes with dated houses, the space is usually limited. Many often lack certain amenities students are accustomed to -- for example, in a double room there may only be one desk and one closet. Large community spaces make up for the lack of furniture and serve as extra study rooms.Alternatively, a student may choose to stay in a homestay here in Florence. Living with a native Florentine family, students are able to eat meals and go out with their homestay families thereby furthering their integration into Italian culture. Needless to say, the living situations differ greatly from homestay to homestay; however, the general consensus among study away students has been positive. Wi-Fi is not guaranteed at all homestays, and while most will have it, all students considering a homestay should invest in an Ethernet cord (just in case!).


This article was written by Emily Flippen. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Emily Flippen