A Letter to my Unborn Child
Nacole Abram's poem, "A Letter to my Unborn Child."
Run. Run. Runlike your life depends on it,and don't stop for the man Himself.And when you are trying your hardest, baby you're gonna need to try harder. And harder. And harderbecause twice as hard only gets you half as far.And always make your voice smooth.Keep it soft like snowflakesand warm. And warm. And warm like a spring afternoon.Keep your posture straight,your music down,and your movements slow. Slow. Slow and never mistakenly aggressive.Expect for them to hate your thick lips,your big breasts, your round ass, your pigmented skin and your curly hair. But don't be confused when they strive. Strive. Strive to have all the same.And remember to never make mistakes.And to never get angry... You are not allowed to be angry.And to never realize that this country was not made for you.Never be weak. Weak. Weak,but never let them think you can over power themeven if you can.And baby, don't be fooled when they say we are equalor that our lives matteror that one day racism will be no morebecause even if they believe it,it does us no good until they show it.And know. Know. Knowthat mama wants to save you from all this shitbut I'm doing the best I can.And try not to hate me. And try not to hate you. And try not to hate them.And when you are trying your hardest, baby you're gonna need to try harder. And harder. And harderbecause your life depends on it. This article was written by Nacole Abram. Please send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Illustration Credit: Arshaun Darabnia