Due to the increasing loss of personal belongings, discussion amongst students on such issues also increased. This article documents recent events, and offers advice concerning such issues.
01/ 外卖
在询问Public Safety外卖丢失能否通过调监控解决时,他们给出的回复是“不建议调监控查找”。原因是监控无法清楚地拍到外卖信息,并不能通过监控直接辨认是谁的外卖;同时,监控覆盖范围小,并不能准确找出是谁误拿了外卖。基于此问题,Public Safety也给出了建议:点外卖后,直接与外卖小哥对接拿外卖以减小外卖丢失的可能性。
01/ Takeout
After learning from the news of the missing takeouts in the WeChat group, we talked to a lot of students and found similar experiences like stolen food in the dorm fridge, and lost campus card, etc.
Public Safety (PS) does not recommend finding missing takeouts through checking the surveillance camera. Information on the takeout captured by the camera is not clear enough to identify the owner. Also, the small coverage area makes it hard to find who mistook the takeout. PS suggests students pick up the takeouts directly from delivery men to avoid unnecessary loss.
Since monitoring cannot resolve the whole issue and it is not legally allowed, moreover, the order information on the takeout cannot be a strong evidence to prove someone is involved in a misconduct. The surveillance use is also limited.
In acknowledging similar issues, we found that cultural differences play a role. By talking with some international friends, we learn that in some countries like the United States, take-out needs to be handled in person with contact, or some students may think food and drinks in public places are for the public. We encourage sufficient communication to avoid the misunderstanding.
02/ 宿舍冰箱内的食物
02/ Food in the Dorm Fridge
Some students found that their food in the fridge was stolen, but situations got even worse after those victims complained in the WeChat group. However, according to some students, some resident assistants (RA’s) ignore what has happened on some floors.
RA’s are suggested to respond immediately, comfort students whose food was stolen, or remind students to look after their personal belongings in the WeChat group.
On the other hand, all the students in residence halls as part of the NYU Shanghai community have the responsibility, too.
Complaint about chocolate in the fridge that was eaten by somebody. Though students reported this in the group WeChat on that floor, the situation remained the same
校园卡是在校生存必不可少的物件,没有校园卡的校园生活将变得极其麻烦。通常情况下,在校内或shuttle上捡到他人的校园卡都会主动交给Public Safety以方便失主及时找回。但并不是人人都会做出同样的善举。有同学在食堂丢失校园卡后,发现卡里被人盗刷钱。即便可能存在误会,但盗刷者并没有及时将卡片交给public safety或食堂工作人员,刷完卡后也并未及时联系失主,反而若无其事。校园卡丢失造成的生活便利度降低本就让人心烦意乱。换位思考:若自己的校园卡丢失后被盗刷内心会有什么感觉?希望大家在校内捡到他人校园卡,及时上交相关部门或联系失主,为他人提供一次及时的帮助,下一次需要时拥有及时帮助的就是自己。
Someone forgot to take her campus card in the canteen after swiping. She immediately reported the loss of campus card in NYUSH2023 group chat, but found that her campus card was used by others and the balance decreased by 18 RMB. The next day, the school staff in the canteen found this card and returned it
03/ Campus Card
Campus cards are essential for school life. Usually, when students pick up someone's campus card, most of them will return it to public safety to give the owner’s card back in time. However, students whose cards are lost soon discovered that students who picked up their card used their money. We hope that all of you can hand it to the relevant departments or contact the owner when you find a lost campus card.
Some Suggestions and Remaining Questions:
We hope everyone as a member of the community may consider how to be altruistic instead of being selfish. It’s nice for everyone to not touch and misappropriately take other people's goods. While protecting one’s own belongings, this is also a responsibility as a NYUSH student.
This article was written by Sibyl Li, currently based in Shanghai, SH. Please send an email to [email protected] to get in touch.
Photo Credit: Rachel Min