The Last Hurrah at ECNU

The Class of 2017 “Met at Mao” one last time before leaving to study away next semester. Returning to our first year campus surely brought up some nostalgia, whether it was arguing with the guards to let your taxi through or the daily walk to Geo Building, waving to familiar faces the entire way. Mao greeted us everyday. Last weekend, as we got off the buses, it felt as if no time had passed. Students flocked to the Hexi cafeteria to indulge in old favorites, like jianbing or cheap sushi. Others laid underneath the shadow of Geo and Mao while reminiscing about the memories that the ECNU campus holds for all of us. For some, the reunion continued into the night, congregating at our former watering hole, Ellen’s, while sipping Qingdaos and scribbling Sharpies on the wall.


There’s no doubt that our class’s close bond is accredited to our first year at ECNU. Being the inaugural class, we struggled through ambiguous academic policies (some still being put into place), navigated the huge city, and-- at least for half of us-- learned a new language and new culture. But, at the end of the day, every single one of us returned to the International Students Dormitory #2 and called it home. We remember those familiar stained blue couches, overcrowded C-Tower bathrooms, and ayis shouting to each other from floor to floor. Soon enough, we’ll be getting visas for other countries and learning new languages, but we’ll never forget where our journey began. So long, Shanghai. Until next time! This article was written by Tatiana Bautista. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Jeremy Hissong