Residence Renovation: Changes to our Dorms

Housing approximately 600 students under one roof was never going to be an easy task. Especially when our residence is only temporary. But following on from the mantra that is speedily becoming synonymous with NYUSH, 'improvements are in progress'. Hallelujah! However, being part of continuous progression can cause unnecessary frustration. Sometimes when it feels like we are drowning in a sea of homework, and our to-do lists become two-thousand-word essays, it becomes easy to get caught up in minor infuriating details. So, instead let us look at what has been done to make our life here a little bit more homey - courtesy of the Student Life and Residence (SLR) Committee. COMMUNAL CLEANING SUPPLIES Do you have a roommate that moults so much you wonder whether there is any hair actually left on their scalp? Have you ever accidently knocked a full cup of bubble tea with pearls all over the floor? Well, the days where you had to utilize a piece of paper, and an empty Sherpa’s container to deal with such a sticky situation are no longer. Vacuums, mops and brooms are now available from the 268 Student Resource Center from 9a.m-7p.m, for 2-hour loan periods. However, this is being introduced on a trial basis, and the treatment of supplies will be closely monitored. So remember we are part of a community. Mistreat a broom and you have mistreated everyone’s broom. FREE WATER IN THE DORMITORY As fantastic as the arm exercise is from carrying a liter of water back from Family Mart is everyday, free and drinkable water is now available in the dorm, just in case you fancy a break. Both hot and cold water is available, and dispensers are located near the warming station and near the elevators. WARMING STATION

The uncleanliness of the warming station has become a serious issue, as I'm sure most students are aware, due to a lack of people cleaning up after themselves. But now, dish soap, sponges and cloths have been provided.

The hotplate saga continues as, unfortunately, there are a lack of alternatives. Nicole Chan, the Vice Chair of the SLR Committee, confirmed that the kitchen has a gas line running through and so anyone who is careless would pose a threat to the entire building.

VENDING MACHINES Ever groaned at the thought of going outside all the way to Family Mart to get a snack? Well, groan no more. Vending machines have been installed in both the dorms and academic building and should be fully functional by October 27. HALLWAY CLEANING Another issue that is not extremely obvious is the state of the hallways. The 268 hallways have been neglected, mostly because of students' failure to throw all trash into the communal trashcan. Not only is this visibly displeasing, but dirty corridors also facilitate the spread of illness, which causes a much bigger issue. So, Ayis are scheduled to clean the carpets once a week, to accommodate students with dust and mold allergies. BICYCLE PARKING As winter sets in and weather conditions worsen, there have been issues raised regarding the parking of bicycles and the need for a shelter. However, because our residence is temporary, discussions for a shelter are still ongoing. Hopefully one of these points made you smile. Improving life here is going to be the result of a collection of little progressions. Additions made to the laundry room, function room and gym, are just some of the things that have been improved already. So thank you's are extended to everyone who works within the SLR Committee and in Student Government for making everything happen. As I said, it isn’t easy! This article was written by Stephanie Bailey. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Nicole Chan