Precautionary Covid Testing This Week at NYU Shanghai Welcome Center
On March 10, students, faculty, and staff lined up outside the NYU Shanghai Welcome Center from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. to take a mandatory precautionary Covid test.
(Feature Photo Source: Maya Spaulding)
Due to recent Omicron cases in Shanghai, all students, staff, and faculty are required to get a Covid test within the following three days. NYU Shanghai provided a testing site in the Welcome Center the same day the announcement was released for people to get tested.
While standing in line for their Covid test, many students were willing to give their thoughts on the current situation.
NYU Shanghai students, faculty, and staff start lining up to get their Covid test at around 3:30 p.m.
(Source: Maya Spaulding)
“I’m kind of annoyed honestly,” said Tiffany Leong, a freshman. “I came [to Shanghai] a few weeks ago, and I had to quarantine for five weeks before in America and [Shanghai].” She further expressed that the situation is tough, but there is not much students can do.
Phoebe Lemon, a sophomore, expressed frustration over the sudden announcement. She mentions that the school would send out announcements in the past regarding small, one or two case, breakouts in specific neighborhoods. But with this testing announcement, there were no previous announcements.
Other students are nonchalant about the situation. Bruce Chen, a freshman, said “[Covid testing] is a very common phenomenon in China.” For him, “[the precautionary testing] is for the safety of all the citizens.”
Another student, Max Miao, a sophomore, shares the same sentiment. He says that Covid testing is very normal, and it is a good way to be safe.
At the beginning of the testing, the line to the Welcome Center wrapped around the first floor and up to the second floor.
(Source: Maya Spaulding)
NYU Shanghai community members received the announcement of the mandatory testing and changing policies around 3 p.m., and people started lining up for testing around 3:30 p.m. The Welcome Center started testing at 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. and testing results are expected to come out Friday.
In addition to the testing requirement, There is concern about how classes will move forward, especially with midterms quickly approaching. In Vice-Chancellor Lehman’s announcement, he advocates for remote classes if the university is required to lockdown. However, students, like Phoebe, still have concerns about professors being accommodating. She says that she already knows a few friends who cannot come to school because their apartment block is in quarantine.
Like the announcement received today, the university is expected to provide updates every Thursday regarding Covid policies.
Update: NYU Shanghai tested 1801 people at the Welcome Center, and all tests came back negative.