Riding to Theaters Near You
The Bicycle Film Festival is a celebration of bicycles through film, art and music, and this weekend you will be able to become part of the movement in Shanghai.It all started when Brendt Barbur, Founding Festival Director, was hit by a bus while riding his bike in New York City. In order to turn his negative experience into a positive one, Barbur started the Bicycle Film Festival in 2001 as a platform to celebrate the bicycle culture through music, art and, of course, film. Since then, the Bicycle Film Festival has been a major catalyst for the urban bike movement, one of the most powerful and culturally relevant sustainable development forces of the last decade. The Bicycle Film Festival aims to raise and reinforce the positive profile of cyclists to celebrate bicycling in its many of forms. It promotes a healthy lifestyle using an ecologically sound form of transportation (Bicycle Film Festival website). With a history of 15 years, the BFF has traveled the world and visited over 60 cities with an accumulated audience of over 1 million people. This is the first time it will be shown in ChinaThe films screened this weekend in Shanghai vary from established artists to emerging filmmakers who have a shared passion for bicycles. In addition, there will be two after parties; one at the festival's venue, Anken Air, and the second in Arkham. The festival's audience is composed of young, trendsetting people who love and identify with film, art, music and sports, so this is a great opportunity to mingle and have a great weekend. So come enjoy the festival or volunteer at the event through Green Shanghai.
November 6th – Friday – 11月6日周五7hoo/19:00 – Program 1 主题专场1 – “CINEMATIC SHORTS” “短片巡礼”9hoo/21:00 – Program 2 主题专场2 – “FUN BIKE SHORTS” “自行车喜剧短片”November 7th – Saturday – 11月7日 周六7hoo/19:00 – Program 3 主题专场3 “URBAN BIKE SHORTS” “城市单车短片” 9hoo/21:00 – Program 4 主题专场4 – “CYCLIQUE”November 8th – Sunday – 11月8日 周日5hoo/17:00 – Program 5 专场5 – Repeat “CINEMATIC SHORTS” 重映主题专场17hoo/19:00 – Program 6 专场6 – Repeat “URBAN BIKE SHORTS” 重映主题专场3For more information about the programs and tickets: http://www.bicyclefilmfestival.com/city/shanghai/
This article was written by Nofar Hamrany. Send an email to [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Stephanie Overton Flickr