Phantom of the Opera at Its Home on Broadway

It’s almost the middle of November and I have been studying abroad in New York for over two months. I would like to share with my fellow schoolmates in Shanghai about my favorite musical shows in Broadway. NYU’s Ticket Central has abundant sources for enriching our spiritual life in NYC. The box office provides various tickets for NYU students, including movies, Broadway shows, ball games, etc. You can get a really good deal on orchestra seats for relatively cheap prices compared to those tickets sold through official websites if you are lucky enough. For example, the seat I got was an orchestra seat that cost only 49 dollars, whereas the normal price tends to be 90 dollars. You can easily order these tickets on NYU Ticket Central website. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s masterwork, Phantom of the Opera, as the classic of the classics, is Broadway’s longest-running show. The background is set at the Paris opera house. Far beneath the majesty and splendour of the Paris Opera House, hides the Phantom in a shadowy existence. It was said that he was disfigured somehow some time at which no one ever knows. Since then he shut himself in the endless darkness of the labyrinth underground. At some point, a beautiful soprano Christine Daaé becomes the obsession of the phantom. He taught her to sing and fell in love with her. However, shamed by his physical appearance and feared by all, the love he holds for his beautiful Christine is so strong that her heart cannot resist him.The phantom and Christine became the angel of music for each other. Having been imprisoned by himself in the darkness for so long, Christine’s presence in his underground castle brought him the only glimmer of hope and value of living. For Christine, the Phantom is the guide and guardian inside her mind. When the Phantom found out that Christine was in love with the handsome, bright and affectionate gentleman, Raoul, he was overwhelmed with intense rage due to her betrayal and denial. Eventually he realized that he was nothing but an unreal ghost wandering in the white night. Raoul was the dazzling sun in the day and a man who can bring his beloved Christine true happiness. He disappeared, secretly and the Opera Ghost became a real timeless legend of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius.The show is run by the Majestic Theatre located at the W44 street near the Eighth Avenue. Besides the music, the effect created on the stage by light and sound was also fabulous. You can never miss The Phantom of the Opera if you come to New York! Highly recommended!一转眼已经是十一月的深秋,我到纽约也已经两个多月了。今天我很想与上海的小伙伴们分享一下自己在百老汇最喜欢的音乐剧以及自己的看剧经验。NYU的票务中心对于丰富我们在纽约的精神生活这方面拥有很强大的资源。在NYU box office可以买到很多票,比如电影票,百老汇音乐剧啊,球赛啊等等。如果你够幸运的话,能在学校买到很不错的票,比如用非常便宜的价格买到音乐剧的内场票,学校的价格通常比官网要便宜。像我买的歌剧魅影的内场票只要49刀,但是一般官网都要卖到90刀左右的。订票也很方便的,nyu官网上可以直接订票。 安德鲁韦伯的经典作品——歌剧魅影,作为经典中的经典,是在百老汇上映时间最长的剧,其背景设定在巴黎歌剧院。在巴黎歌剧院的华丽与庄严之下,藏着一个神出鬼没的魅影。据说他不知在何时因为不知名的原因,容貌尽失。自此之后他便将自己囚禁在暗无天日的地下迷宫当中。某一天, 一位美丽的女高音歌唱家——克莉丝汀戴耶,走进了他的剧院。他成为了她的音乐老师并疯狂地爱上了她。然而魅影对于克莉丝汀那强烈的爱令她感到窒息,因为他对于自己的容貌无比得羞耻,并且为所有的人所畏惧,甚至连克莉丝汀也是一样。在剧中,对魅影与克莉丝汀来说,对方是音乐派来救赎自己的天使。魅影将自己囚禁在黑暗中如此之久,克莉丝汀的出现为他带来了唯一那希望的微光,并成为了他活下去的意义。而克莉丝汀一直将魅影当作最重要的守护者和引领她在音乐之路上前进的人。然而,当魅影发现克莉丝汀爱上了英俊、潇洒又多情的绅士拉乌尔,他被一种强烈的愤怒所淹没,那是他无法忍受的背叛和否决。可是最终,魅影发现,他只不过是行走在白夜中的幽灵和幻影,拉乌尔才是真正闪耀着的太阳,是能带给他心爱的克莉丝汀幸福的人。意识到这一切,他悄然消失了。剧院幽灵的故事变成了一个遭到毁容的神秘音乐天才真正不朽的传奇。百老汇有一座专门上映歌剧魅影的剧院Majestic Theatre ,在西44街和第八大道交界处。整个剧的音乐自不用说,舞台的灯光和音效也非常华丽,是来到百老汇绝不容错过的好剧,强力推荐哦!

This article was written by Qing Sponge Luo 罗晴. Please contact [email protected] to get in touch. Photo Credit: Dennis Beck / Broadway Tour via Flickr