Yiru Zhou

Yiru Zhou

Yiru Zhou is a contributor to On Magnolia Square.


  1. Woman in Chains VS Man Underground

    When people talk about trafficking, they often think of women and children, but men are in fact just as likely to be victims.

  2. How to Get an A with Professor Cori Gabbard

    Professor Gabbard is a lecturer in the Writing Program of NYU Shanghai who once served as a visiting assistant professor at Lyon College of England.

  3. How to Get an A with Professor Lin Chen

    Lin Chen is a Senior Lecturer in the Writing Program at NYU Shanghai. His courses at NYU Shanghai include Writing as Inquiry and Perspective on the Humanities.

  4. The Alienation of “Yuan”(媛)

    Recently, a few phrases gained broad popularity especially on Chinese websites such as: “fo yuan”(佛媛), “bing yuan”(病媛), and “youer yuan”(幼儿媛). One feature that these phrases all share is that they all have the word “yuan”(媛). The original meaning of the word “yuan”(媛) is a beautiful woman or a lady from a rich family; however, this positive meaning has been transformed since last year.

  5. About Friendship

    Every time I come to a new environment, I always think about building up new relationships and reflect on previous ones. Making friends has become a concern in my life, with a mix of roses and thorns. I have tried so many ways of socializing with others but still, it doesn't get easier. When I was a little kid, all of my friends were my neighbors. We grew up together, our parents knew each other, and almost every one of us knew each other’s deepest secrets. We played together every day. We would often quarrel, but we would soon forget it, and nothing could separate us. In such a free and tolerant environment, it never occurred to me that friendship is a serious matter and needs great consideration. When I was that age, I said whatever I wanted to say, and did whatever I wanted to do, without any thought of consequences but still had good friendships.