地摊经济能否助力经济复苏?Exploring China’s ‘Stall Economy’
地摊是否真的能成为一个失业者的出路?它究竟对经济复苏能起到多大贡献? 疫情过后的中国,“稳就业、保民生”成为了接下来的经济政策重点,但具体该怎样实施?此前大火的“地摊经济”概念,是否可以成为一个带动消费和就业的解决方案呢? 官方数据显示,有城市的就业因发展地摊经济而得到了大幅改善。可网络上公开的数据信息有限,地摊经济究竟有多大力量,还需要我们亲自去看看。于是OCA发动上海、北京、四川等省市的同学,开展了一次不专业的田野调查。归来,我们将理论研究与田野调查相结合,得出了自己的结论。 For post-COVID China, “stabilizing employment and protecting the livelihood of people” has become the most important economic agenda for the foreseeable future, but how exactly can it be done? Can the “stall economy”, a concept that became popular previously, be a solution to China’s employment and consumption problems? According to official data, the employment situation in some cities has improved evidently. However, given the very limited information, we feel necessary to see for ourselves how significant the impact of the stall economy is. Therefore, OCA initiated a field research in various regions, including Shanghai, Beijing and the Sichuan Province. Upon returning, we put our field observations and theoretical research together and formed our own conclusions.