OCA 新闻|约3000名NYU其他校区的学生将在上纽大度过秋季学期(Around 3000 students from other NYU campuses will spend their fall semester at NYU Shanghai)
北京时间7月15日晚,上纽大常务副校长雷蒙在向全体上纽在读学生发送的邮件中提到,上海纽约大学将迎来大约3000位来自纽约大学其他校区且目前身处中国的学生(包括本科生及研究生),并为来访学生在上海市内设立临时校区。该消息的发布引起了学生们的热烈探讨,OCA采访了部分中国学生对此消息的看法。 On the night of July 15th (CST), NYU Shanghai's Vice Chancellor Jeffrey Lehman sent out an email to the entire student body, saying that the university "will be welcoming approximately 3000 other NYU undergraduate and graduate students who are currently in China to study with us on a temporary campus elsewhere in Shanghai." The announcement has aroused heated discussions among the students. OCA interviewed several Chinese students about their opinions on the announcement.