Why is J.K. Rowling supported in China: Trans Visibility and Transphobia in China 在骄傲月,正视跨性别群体
每年六月的“骄傲月(Pride Month)”最初是为纪念1969年同志平权运动“石墙暴乱”而发起的运动,在五十年后的今天已经成为了一系列全球性的关注LGBTQA+群体的活动。今年,尽管线下活动大多受到了新冠疫情影响,但人们并没有放弃在线上的庆祝与呼吁。然而,在社交媒体上,六月迄今为止与LGBTQA+相关的最引人关注的话题之一,却是J.K.罗琳所发表的关于跨性别群体的观点与随之引起的广泛讨论。在本文中,笔者试图以此为契机,就这个在LGBTQA+群体中被较多地误解与污名化的群体在国内互联网环境的际遇展开探讨。 Following the celebration of Pride Month 2020, the author, intrigued by the discussion aroused on Chinese social platforms following J.K. Rowling’s controversial speech concerning transgender people, tries to understand trans visibility and transphobia in China and beyond. The article is initially intended for Chinese readers and later translated into English, thus non-Chinese readers may find some examples and situations that feel alien or don’t apply to their society.